music of 大西まみ Web 作編曲家/ピアニスト

All songs 作曲・作詞・編曲・プログラミング・keyboard演奏 by 大西まみ

snow walk (pf/gt/ synth)


FIRE EATER yapani!(tp/tb/as/ts/bs/org/ba/dr)

yama はまみ(sakerock浜野謙太tb/大西まみpf)



Hope for the flowers

作編曲/コーラス/演奏 大西まみ
Compose&Arrange/Chorus/Play  Oonishi Mami

This tune is a tune written toward the piano several days after after a East Japan great earthquake of 2011.3.11. It was uneasy and petrified in a too big damage and situation. The pollution of the radioactivity started, too. However, the sky was beautiful as usual, and the flower overflowed in vitality. It frantically took a picture of the flower in the roadside with Iphone. It was not in March that spring wished that it wanted you to come like this. Hope is put in the flower.